PARCC is great because PARCC is great
As PARCC releases scores reports to schools and parents, it has begun an active PR campaign stating how great the test and the reports...

NJ Standards Review
As many in my state know, NJDoE has embarked on a review of the Common Core State Standards. Of course, this is nothing more than...
Challenges in Math Education: A call to action
My IGNITE talk (five minutes) at the 2015 NCTM Annual meeting in Boston, MA - challenging the mathematics education community to be more...

Algebra in Grade 8?
Today more U.S. eighth graders take algebra than any other math course but is this a good thing? This push for universal eighth-grade...

Teacher Evaluation
By far, one of the mist political aspects of teaching today, is new teacher evaluation systems that often use student test scores to...

Opt Out
Given the controvery over the PARCC and Smarter Balanced Assessments, there is an opt out movement across the country. Below are...

Community College Remediation
Recently NJ Education Commissioner Hespe wrote an op-ed defending PARCC by stating that “Too many students are graduating high school and...
In Response To “Teachers Stop Improving After Three Years”
One piece of data that I hear thrown around from time to time is that teachers stop improving after 3-5 years on the job. I hear it...